Friday, March 6, 2015

Brandi Glanville Explains Why She Called Her Cast Mates Hypocrites


Brandi Glanville is taking to her blog this week to explain why she was so upset in Amsterdam on this week’s episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Glanville explains why she was so angry, where her hypocrisy comment came from and gives examples of why she believes she is held to a different standard than the other women.

Brandi writes, “Well, you fans like drama, and you got your money’s worth tonight. So let’s dive in. Tonight’s blog focus: hypocrisy and double standards.

I’m going to touch on the double standards of some of our Housewives. No need to name names. If you watch, you’ve already seen it. Let’s compare reactions.

Hyperbole: HORRIFIC

Jaws drop in stunned horror if I reply, ”I’ll knock your teeth out” (empty words thrown out when under verbal attack on RHOBH). Admittedly, not my greatest moment, but you try putting up with some of the “ladies” of Beverly Hills (or wherever they pretend to live). I will sincerely work on other ways to get crazy people yelling in my face to back up. Anyway, it’s called hyperbole, Kyle. Yeah, smart people know what that is. Kyle, look it up.


I mean real violence. Digging your fingers into someone’s arm to forcibly push them out of your way or grabbing for someone’s throat in anger isn’t worthy of being condemned by the same group. No mention at all. As a matter of fact, after they regrouped and arranged their group spin, it was Kim’s and my fault that Rinna is a crazy, violent person who throws dangerous broken glass in people’s faces. You women are over half a century old. Own your behavior.

Tossing an inch of wine: HORRIFIC

Tossing an inch of wine while “play acting soap opera” was worthy of pearl clutching and disgust usually reserved for when people find a mass grave. It’s called joking, horseplay, goofing, messing around. My intent was mischief. I was playing. It was misunderstood, but it’s not in the same league as violence.

Heaving broken glass at people’s faces: ACCEPTABLE

Reaching across a table to rip someone’s throat out with your nails, hurling a full drink with ice cubes in a face, and the best of all, purposefully smashing a large wine glass as hard as you can in the direction of my and Kim’s face wasn’t discussed at all. Yep. It never happened. I didn’t dig glass out of my skin, out of my ear, spend hours in the shower trying to get shards out of my hair cutting my fingers, oh, and picking it out of my clothes, so it didn’t get in my children’s laundry later on.

Notice they skate over it entirely, except to somehow shake their heads and blame Kim and me. Back at the hotel, Dr. Rinna declares us “unhappy,” instead of herself. That’s why she lost her mind when Kim hinted at her home life. Yep. Sure. Ok.

My Cursing: HORRIFIC

They act as though they’ve never heard four-letter words in their virgin lives. They “act” shocked and disgusted at all four-letter words.

Their Cursing: ACCEPTABLE

We see them use the same exact words all the time.

Adult humor at a Yo’s Dinner Party by me: HORRIFIC

Get over it. I know Babyface, and he sang my joke. Ha!

Brawling at a Yo Dinner Party: ACCEPTABLE


Their Sex Talk: ACCEPTABLE.

Rinna’s “bush,” Harrys’ fascination with “bush,” her need for oral sex? Lisa V. constantly mentioning her pink pussy, her sex life, and “balls”? Cute.

Mentioning Kyle smokes weed: HORRIFIC

File under no big deal. Most people have, including the President. If you constantly refer to the truth as “dangerous,” Kyle, maybe change the way you live.

Kyle telling the world her sister is an alcoholic: ACCEPTABLE

Humiliating Kim’s children in front of the entire world. Yeah, helpful.

Let’s savor a few moments of the drama you guys like:

Kim was a cold-steel assassin. She walked in like Eastwood, armed, silent, detached, and took her seat. Then she waited. Rinna could have talked about ANYTHING in the world, but as we all know, she has nothing else to talk about. So, Kim waited. It took about five minutes. Rinna turned her gaze on Kim and started her Dr. Rinna addiction sermon for the 100th time and BAM.


Glass houses, folks. That’s all I’m saying. Glass houses.

Note Kim didn’t expose any of Rinna’s secrets. Kim only lets it be known that she COULD. All I’m saying is that if I had nothing to hide, I wouldn’t be trying to claw out someone’s throat, knocking chairs over, and breaking glasses at Yolanda’s dinner parties. Would you?

Other things you may have noticed tonight:

Eileen bent out of shape that Rinna made a peace pact with Kim. Looks like someone broke ranks to cover her ass. So, where would that leave superior Eileen if she couldn’t talk about Kim or me? Talking down to her husband? Picking a tomato? *yawn*

Kyle’s narcissism should be addressed, but I don’t have enough time. It’s a topic worthy of its own thesis. Me, my, and I are Kyle’s favorite three words, but let’s focus on tonight only. Special shout-out for not only failing to verbally defend your own sister but for not physically shielding your sister from physical, flying glass or even waiting to see if she had been hurt. 100% self-preservation in action, folks. Special mention for crying about how Rinna’s crying affected you more than Rinna. Kyle, you might be a narcissist if EVERYTHING that happens to everyone else is about you.

Lisa R. lying to everyone that “she has been very open,” and that she never talked to everyone about Kim behind Kim’s back was comedy gold. Comedy gold.

Oh, to have traveled to beautiful Amsterdam with only Yo and Kim. So much happened there that was also nice. Yolanda planned a wonderful trip. We all got to meet Yo’s mother, Ana, and brother, Leo, see her small town of Papendrecht, ride bikes, visit windmills, try incredible food, and learn more about Yo’s life before she left Holland to become a model. Yo’s brother is so smart and funny and cool, I wish you could have met him. Amsterdam is a fabulous place to visit with family and friends who really care about you. I was there 20 years ago when I was modeling in Europe and truly loved it.”

Photo Credit: Bravo


Brandi Glanville Explains Why She Called Her Cast Mates Hypocrites

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