Thursday, April 16, 2015

Kim Richards Arrested! Find Out All The Details Here!


Its with a heavy heart that I must report this news, after reading it myself I felt my heart slightly break, Kim Richards has been arrested, Kim sadly has relapsed. I’m one hundred percent a Kim Richards fan, i’m team Kim, not team Kyle. So its brings me great sadness, that our girl Kim has relapsed again.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star was arrested early Thursday morning at the Beverly Hills Hotel, E! News reveals in a a new update.

According to officials, the Beverly Hills Police were called around 1:30 a.m. by security in response to a reported fight, where Richards was described as belligerent with slurred speech and reeking of a strong odor of alcohol.

According to the police report, Kim Richards was originally in the bathroom and refused to come out, but she was eventually brought to the Beverly Hills Police Station for booking. While at the station, Kim Richards allegedly kicked a police officer. She has since been processed and released.

“Kim Richards has been charged with public intoxication, trespassing, resisting an officer and battery on a police officer. She is due to appear at the LAX Superior Court on June 10.” E News Reveals

Kim Richards recently has been battling with a lot, from her ailing husband Monte’s illness, to fighting with her sister over a dog bite. Maybe all the drama was just to much for her and she slipped, lets hope it was just a one time slip!

Kims’ erratic behavior has been widely shown on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. During the most first season one finale, Kim and Kyle had a blow-up fight on camera, causing Kyle to scream at her sister, “You are an alcoholic! Yeah, that’s right. I’ve said it now and everybody knows.”

Earlier this week, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season seven reunion aired, where the reality star insisted she has not been struggling with her sobriety. Kim’s alleged substance abuse resurfaced as a plot point this season after the 50-year-old mother of four took a pain pill from her ex-husband, Monty Brinson, which caused her to exhibit erratic behavior.

“OK—now here’s the back story to the whole poker night debacle. Before the poker party took place, I had been struggling with bronchitis and pneumonia for weeks, I took the pain medication from Monty thinking it can get me through the pain I was experiencing. Little did I know, it just made me kind of out of it! But seriously, if I knew the medication was going to affect me in a negative way, I would have NEVER taken it. Careless decision on my part—lesson learned!”  Kim wrote on her blog in response to the incident.

She added:

“In the next episode you will see that I end up in the hospital with major injuries due to being sick, but because of my history, some people will automatically assume one thing, even though they have seen nothing but strength and courage in my sobriety [sic]for the last three years.”

Lets pray Kim Richards gets the helps she needs, if she needs help that is. We love You Kim!!!

Comments, Thoughts, Opinions? Below in the comment section please!

Kim Richards Arrested! Find Out All The Details Here!

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