Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lisa Vanderpump: How Many Scenarios Can We Excuse?



The Real Housewives of Beverly Hill’s has finished its Three Part epic brawl reunion. In her new Bravo TV blog, Lisa Vanderpump tries to make sense of what happened at the reunion and gives us an update on her life since. Lisa asks her audience, how many scenarios can we excuse? She talks about how close she has grown to Eileen Davidson and Lisa Rinna, in defends Lisa against Kim Richards accusations. Check out her Bravo Blog Below!

“And here we have it…the final episode as the curtain drops on Season 5, the last part of this intriguing trilogy… Firstly, it is almost too complicated to dissect, but let’s try to have a better understanding of the complicated dynamic that materialized this season… I think upon reflection, it has been pretty obvious after months of filming the intent of some to insert themselves into an already fractious situation. Kim obviously felt bolstered by BG, much to her detriment, as she became a victim of her own volatility. I doubt since filming has wrapped whether there has been much interaction between BG and Kim. It would surprise me greatly if this supposedly close relationship is still flourishing. What concerned me this season was the manipulative attempt by BG to undermine Kyle and to validate any negativity that Kim was feeling. Lisa Vanderpump There’s not a lot to say that hasn’t been said, really, but what concerned me this season was the manipulative attempt by BG to undermine Kyle and to validate any negativity that Kim was feeling, salaciously stating what a wonderful friend she was and how totally unsupportive Kyle has been. I don’t believe the years of dealing with a sibling struggling with alcoholism, supporting financially when needed, should be ignored–also the emotional toll it must have taken on the family. This is a family that has many offsprings who love each other dearly, and that should be paramount. BG has no idea of any history, just a few short months under the glare of reality television. Also in this final segment, it baffles me once again as to the arrogance as to state what is off limits. How many scenarios can we excuse? Dogs? Children? House? Sobriety? Our business became your business when we entered into your living room. We should strive for transparency, and we should deal with consequences as we profit from the benefits. I have grown close to Lisa and Eileen and enjoyed them immensely, not always understanding Lisa’s actions, but always believing it came from a place of concern, even if sometimes, like in regard to the text she sent, it was a little impulsive. Her anger got the better of her, and for that, I believe she was sorry. I am not making excuses for her, but I am resolute in the belief that provocation sometimes creates a day of reckoning. My suggestion of putting a band aid on a situation is one of experience. Sometimes we reach for the unreachable, especially when it comes to relationships. Furthermore, we have to accept that idyllic relationships are not always obtainable, but what we should not accept is that the whole family infrastructure, which can be so delicate, would possibly be fractured–weddings missed, birthdays ignored, and all of life’s moments punctuated, documented with regret. So that is what I hope for this season, that the devious trifling is never rewarded by the success in the breakdown of any relationship. Last year, as I sat on my own, aghast at what had transpired, I hoped for a clearer picture, and now I have one, as I think you all do. Snippets of downtime that have been aired this reunion–cups of tea requests, diarrhea jokes, pussy to the bathroom jokes, didn’t know a Flex but definitely knew a Ford–are a great way of also demonstrating that there are giggles in the face of adversity. Lastly, I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you, who have sent messages of love and well wishes in what has proved to be a trying week. The surgery has been a reminder of how sometimes the indomitable support of those close to you is so valuable, and I appreciate it tremendously. My children by my side, friends, and family are the icing on the cake. Thank you to you all. Ken is doing much better and is well on the way to full recovery. I have appreciated your comments and enjoyed interacting with you. Much love as always, Lisa”


What do you guys think about Lisa’s latest Bravo TV blog?

Lisa Vanderpump: How Many Scenarios Can We Excuse?

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