Saturday, May 9, 2015

Dorinda Dishes On Boyfriend John’s Behavior At Her Party


As we saw on this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York City, new housewife Dorinda was a bit embarrassed by her boyfriend of two years John and his behavior at her cocktail party she hosted. The newcomer takes her Bravo Blog to dish out on that as well as all of the other things that went wrong in this episode.

Dorinda writes:

If I were to title these things in a journal, this one’s title would be “Aren’t we Too Old for Threesomes? and Some Other Awkward Talk…”

Well here are we are again. So many issues in this episode. Let’s do a Top 10, shall we?

1. Lady Morgan referencing the Black Card like a madam at an escort service.

2. Bethenny going to a business meeting disaster at what appears to be the UN where silence is golden.

3. The Ramonacoaster going from a sip of green juice to a glass of pinot in 60 seconds.

4. Carole letting Kristen know about her new beau and Kristen seeing a little taboo in it.

5. Luann and I doing some good mani-pedi talk about men and vaginas….totally normal.

6. Hannah acting like the only adult in the show and actually giving me great advice.

7. Kristen flashing SoHo like the hottest crazy person in Manhattan.

8. Heather and Luann going after Sonja like it’s The Inquisition.

9. Frick & Frack (Sonja & Ramona) barking at each other….again……like they do.

10. Carole fessing up to Luann about “what’s cooking” in her kitchen these days.

But for me, of course, one thing stood out…My dear John. Oh boy…

I would have loved it to have been all about “us” or even ME, but obviously the real kicker was dear old dancing, prancing, ever-so-touchy John.

You heard me say it…he was pissing me off. Listen, it isn’t that it is unexpected or that I’m jealous. No sir. It’s just that he gives these girls ammunition to talk about us, and then he wonders why they got a bad impression. And boy, they talk and talk and talk and talk…It makes the game of telephone look like a a slow bingo game in a nursing home.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. John likes to be fun and act up. John likes people and likes to kid around with everyone. His sense of humor might not be that common around these ladies, but John is an affectionate guy, and to date him, you have to understand that. Rule #1: If a man is going to cheat on you, it’s not going to be at a cocktail party you’re hosting. If he cheats, it’ll be on a Thursday afternoon, during lunch, in some random hotel. My feeling is that for one night–please, just please–can you not?!

Sonja was very comfortable and played into the friskiness. What a surprise. Kristen wasn’t sure what she got herself into. At first she played along, and…I must say…she was quite comfy with John, but then it just went too far, and she had to escape like a gazelle running away from a big hungry lion. You know, how they do on the Discovery Channel. Yech…embarrassing.

I am sure there is going to be lots said about this, so I’m preparing myself. Two things are certain: John went home solo…again…and Ramona will apparently get down anywhere.”

Photo Credit: Bravo

Dorinda Dishes On Boyfriend John’s Behavior At Her Party

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