Monday, May 4, 2015

Heather Thomson: Is This Brunch-Gate?


Heather Thomson fan favorite of the Real Housewives of New York City returns to her Bravo TV blog this week and explains why she was apprehensive to see Sonja again and why she thinks Ramona and Bethenny have unfinished business. Heather also talks about newcomer Dorina Medley and how happy she was to see her! Check out her Bravo TV blog below!


“Hooray! I’m so happy for Lu and all of the great things that lie ahead for her in her new home! Although the estate sale was more difficult for her than we had anticipated, it’s natural that she was emotional (to sell your house is one thing, but to sell it to a developer that’s going to tear it down is something else). I’m glad Radzi and I were there with her for support and to walk through some old memories.

And what a nice apology from Ramona! I could hear mumbles and knew Lu was a little sensitive with the sale, so I was worried at first but relieved and proud when I heard she apologized. It was kind of Ramona to acknowledge that neither marriage nor divorce are easy to navigate.

It was great finally getting to see Dorinda this weekend! We developed a budding friendship over the summer, but I hadn’t had a chance to see her recently. Although we didn’t know each other growing up, Dorinda and I were raised in the same area and know many of the same people. Luann invited us to what was supposed to be a random “get to know you over drinks” session that turned into us finding common bonds and developing a refreshing new friendship! We had a fun-filled summer that was easy, comfortable, and a lot of fun. It’s definitely nice having another Berkshire girl in the group! And another girl in the group I can easily relate to is never a bad thing!

New Beginnings

I was so excited to finally see Luann’s new digs! The summer had been a really busy one for both of us. Until now, I had only gotten to hear the play-by-play on the phone and see pictures over email of her new spot. Carole had seen it during a few visits out East to hang with Lu last summer. I am so happy to see the two of them establishing a true and growing friendship; I didn’t like being in the middle of the past silliness between them. It’s great all being together again.

So, hanging in the kitchen with this beautiful view, Adam cooking (we had met a few years prior when he had been with Luann’s niece Nicole), and catching up with Noel was awesome. Carole and Adam have this cute flirt thing going on, and now Kristen arrives–it’s all good!

Noel and I are always showing off our websites when we get together. Noel is so talented–from his design work and illustration to branding and building his own sites (check out I enjoy checking in on his latest entrepreneurial ventures, and I always appreciate his ideas and perspective on

Luann and I have always had a very natural relationship, and I’m very comfortable with her and her family, just as she is with me and mine. I adore Lu, Victoria, and Noel equally, and just like the Berkshires is a sanctuary for my family, that’s what this new home is for Luann’s. I am truly happy for them all.

“The Mob Wife Syndrome” (nothing against those girls) is something we can all fall victim to at one time or another. When dealing with painful situations, in any relationship, it’s often the case that it’s easier to ignore the issues rather than to face them head on. That’s why I’m especially proud of Ramona for finding the courage to take a stand. I’m eager to watch her come into her own, even if it’s at the expense of a painful new chapter, and I believe in the end she’s going to come out on the other side better than ever!

We’re still holding out hope for Sonja! Lol! I was not looking forward to seeing Son initially, because lately it had been hard trying to communicate with her and we hadn’t spoken for some months. But alas, the minute I see her, she’s light and funny, making my apprehension all for nothing. Sonja has a way of making tension disappear with humor, and I was happy to be with her again and see her silly and smiling.Then, there’s the beer in the bag…

As always, Lu was a great hostess and entertained us in yummie style! She looks so amazing in my new skinny jeans, and I couldn’t ask for a better spokesperson. I’m going to have to pair my super skinnys with a yummie tank, because after all of this, it looks like I might have to eat two brunches?! Is this Brunch-gate now or what?! Bethenny is definitely back and may have some unsettled biz with Ramona, ’cause that was a little crazy! I had met Bethenny briefly when I appeared on her talk show last year, and I am looking forward to getting to know her better…

When Luann showed Carole and I Bethenny’s first book with her inscription to Lu, thanking her for helping her invent the Skinnygirl margarita, I was so surprised! Although I was being a bit facetious saying she owed Luann a car, it did remind me of how I got started with yummie by HT and my best friend Pam helping me with the name. I’ve always felt it’s important to recognize the people who have helped you along the way on the road toward success. Although it doesn’t have to be a car, I would say a celebratory margarita is in order for sure!

Wouldn’t you?!

We might have a lot of unfinished business with these ladies, so tune in and we’ll see what happens next week on the best season yet!

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Heather Thomson: Is This Brunch-Gate?

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