Thursday, May 7, 2015

Kenya Moore Believes She Was Vindicated On This Season Of RHOA


Real Housewives of Atlanta Star Kenya Moore is taking to her blog this week to speak about the season finale of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. The delusional Kenya Moore says this was her season of vindication (LMAO)  and dishes about her new sitcom, Life Twirls On. Which will hopefully never make it to air!

Kenya Begins:

Life Twirls On

I love this title because it’s a testament to my life. This season has been my year of vindication. Thank God, because it was a long time coming. Some of my fans were so angry that I had been lied on for two years that they wanted blood. They and myself were angry and hurt that someone would physically attack me and never issue an apology for their actions, regardless of whether or not they felt justified. And who could forget the years of being called a whore a thousand different ways all in the name of Jesus?


I’ve learned many lessons along the way and forgiveness is one. I have to admit I could not have done it on my own. I have my family to thank for that. I’m from Detroit and I was raised in survival mode from day one with a mother who vowed to “dog me for the rest of my life.” Therefore, I will always be a fighter. But my focus has shifted and I have too much to lose. I have realized I cannot make a person do the right thing, I cannot educate beyond one’s rudimentary limitations, and I cannot change anyone. However, what I can do is take responsibility for myself and sit back and let karma do the rest — funny how that works.

My Sister’s Success

One of my favorite principles is you have to be as happy for another person’s success as you are for your own. I’m that girl who roots for all the girls to win. This isn’t me versus NeNe… One can’t deny that just six years ago no one knew who NeNe was and now she has had some acting success. I congratulate her as another woman who has worked my entire life in the entertainment industry and all of our accomplishments must be acknowledged and respected alike. There is room for us all — not just one at a time. I refuse to pull someone down like a crab in a barrel; jealousy has never existed in my heart. With that said, it’s a lot easier to root for someone that is humble, gracious, and most of all thankful.

Life Twirls On!

LOL! I’m no different. I single handedly wrote, executive produced, financed, created, directed, and starred in my independent television pilot. Although the viewers only saw a glimpse of what it really takes to produce a TV show, it’s no joke. My name was on the line as well as my financial investment. But if I am going to gamble, I’d bet on me every time!

All the girls and I were in a good place but I still felt vulnerable. It’s torture to expose yourself in that way, to allow people to experience and criticize your work. But as you know, everything is not for everybody. With that said, it is a comedy and I did what I set out to do and that was make people laugh and entertain them. They all seemed to really enjoy it, and I especially appreciated Kandi, Demetria, and Claudia’s enthusiasm and love they showed me during the screening.

As a producer, it’s most fulfilling is to be able to employ others and give opportunities to talented people who may not otherwise be afforded them. Over 50 people worked on this production, and I want to thank my cast and crew for their priceless contributions and my Co-Executive Producer, Brandon DeShazer, for always coming through for me. There was so much excitement on social media as #LifeTwirlsOn was trending, creating a demand to see the entire show! The viewers have spoken and we will be airing the pilot very soon! Stay tuned for an official announcement.

To Team Twirl:

I see you, I hear you, and I thank you for fighting my battles for me. A lot of people have followers, but I truly have loyal fans. You have my back and I couldn’t do this without you. There was so much new positivity for me this season that it is unchartered territory for me. Don’t worry, I’m still that fiery, funny, shady, crazy Kenya that will read you for filth while twirling on my 5” heels you all have come to love or hate. From Celebrity Apprentice to Millionaire Matchmaker and talk shows like Wendy Williams, you continue to show up and make my shows some of the highest rated ever. Love me or hate me, I appreciate the fact that you can’t stop watching me! I love and appreciate you all.


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Kenya Moore Believes She Was Vindicated On This Season Of RHOA

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