Wednesday, June 17, 2015

China Hacks U.S. Government

Four million current and former federal staff, from nearly each government agency, just may have had their personal info taken by Chinese hackers, U.S. investigators are now reporting. Thats some scary shit right here!

If this is report is true, U.S. officials believe it may well be the largest breach ever of the government’s computer networks. China referred to as the allegation irresponsible.

What We Know:

Employees are pissed, and wonder why they weren’t notified sooner of the breach

Investigators believe the hack will effect 4 million current and former federal employees

Some Employees are not infected thank god and that includes those of legislative and judicial branches and the military,

US Intel believe that this attack came from China ( Lets not hope its “the Interview” hackers)

What do you guys think about this !?

China Hacks U.S. Government

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