Friday, May 8, 2015

Kristen: John’s Hands Got A Little Too Friendly


In this week’s episode of the Real Housewives of New York City, we got to see Kristen Taekman explore her new interest in blogging, her fabulous outfits, and Dorinda’s boyfriend John get a little handsy with her and co-star Sonja Morgan!? Kristen took her Bravo Blog to share her thoughts on what happened at the cocktail party, and what is has been like venturing into blogging!

“Go Bethenny, woo hoo! I am watching this thinking, awesome, a new set of eyes and new person taking on the Miss Morgan roller coaster. Folks, you honestly don’t believe it or her (Sonja) until you experience it with your own eyes and ears. I LOVE Sonja, but nine times out of 10, when Sonja is talking about business, well she just doesn’t make any damn sense at all. The worst part is she believes her own hype! Every time her mouth opens to do with business, she fabricates a new one! Is she that naïve to think that we can’t do some basic sleuthing and discover that these new business ventures aren’t real, more like some figment of her imagination, and call her bluff? Oy vey!

Bethenny is finally getting what all of us ladies were trying to tell her when we were in the Hamptons.

Lu and Dorinda’s pedicure…I love Dorinda’s attitude. She doesn’t care that John was out without her. He probably invited her along, she didn’t care to go. Dorinda has been through so much in her life, she knows not to sweat the small stuff. “Who cares?” as my nanny would say, LOL :)

Oysters and Sancerre with Carole–How cute is my outfit here (just saying– Miss Carole was very late for this dinner. I had already had two glasses of wine before she arrived. That’s a lot for me!

Carole lives just around the corner. No idea what took her so long? #ADAM? It was great to get the scoop on what was new with her and dish. I had no idea she was still seeing Adam. I say good for her, they are both single, and Lu’s niece had been broken up with him for a while, so what’s the big deal? It’s really no one’s business.

It’s sweet that Sonja decided to plan a trip to Atlantic City for Ramona’s birthday. It seems like Sonja has turned over a new leaf and is being more sensitive and supportive of Ramona. Thank goodness! AC seems like a perfect getaway to help take her mind off things! Ramona, did you say that “all the girls have not been supportive of Sonja”?! PLEASE! You feel the exact same way we do: concerned for Sonja and confused.

Wait! Am I invited to Atlantic City?! LOL!

It’s really sweet to see Dorinda and Hannah together at home. You can tell that they are very close. Dorinda seems to really understand Bethenny. I like the “peeling back the onion” philosophy. It’s perfect.

It’s interesting that Dorinda points out that John can be inappropriate at times …hmmm…wish I had gotten that memo!

I started a blog about a year ago. I think when you go from stay-at-home mommy, who does modeling gigs every now and again, to mommy with kids at school, your life shifts gears dramatically. It comes so fast. It’s just you at home with all of this free time. One can only exercise so much, right?

Even at 38, I still really love modeling, and I’m passionate about it. I decided that with Last Night’s Look, I could create my own job! I go into my closet, put some looks together, mix and match, and then…model! I enjoy mixing high and low fashion and love finding an awesome piece at H&M or ZARA and sharing it with you all! I love that this blog has really taken me back to my roots and allows me to utilize all the things I have learned from modeling since I was 16, including wardrobe, styling, hair, makeup, and photography.

When I first started modeling in New York, I would do “test” shoots with photographers to build my portfolio. Most of the time, these young up-and-coming photographers would shoot on the streets, because they didn’t have studios. Manhattan offers an amazing backdrop with so much dynamic and unique architecture, and the streets and neighborhoods each have their own flavor. I fondly remember the experience of shooting those test shoots. How ironic is it that I am now taking those experiences and applying it to how I do my blog? Everything happens for a reason, there’s no denying it. I have worked with some of the best makeup, hair, and stylists in the city. I have learned so much over the years that I thought it would be fun to share it all. Last Night’s Look is based on what I wore last night, but the beauty of that is that it’s everything from pajamas to a ball gown!

Check out and follow it for beauty and fashion tips, fun New York locations, and Mommy reality.

Sonja’s showroom with Bethenny…Wow this whole thing is just so uncomfortable for me. Are you having a hard time watching this? Poor Bethenny is trying to be nice, even for her…you can tell she is uncomfortable. Sonja even seems somewhat hesitant. Is it me our do all of her “partners” seem like paid actors? No one has answers, there is not an article of clothing anywhere to be found, only lots of pretty sketches. “We are in talks with retailers, but we can’t confirm any.” And the line launches in like two months, but they aren’t allowed to disclose any other information? “But know we have the best relationships in the industry.” What does that even mean? Is this normal? I don’t know a ton about fashion retail distribution, but my instincts tell me they have a lot of work ahead of them.

Bethenny, all I can say is that we tried to tell you. At this point we have all tried to be supportive and better understand her businesses and help wherever we can. I think we need to just let Sonja be Sonja and emotionally support her. I am just not sure what’s so secretive? Hmm…

World Bar…This was the coldest night ever! I remember getting dressed and wanting to wear something warmish… ugh, winter, seems like it never ended.

Ramona was really overly sensitive about Sonja not going over to her. Sonja was drinking and with her boy! I mean, “young man,” and Ramona should not be stressing it and just let Sonja do Sonja and her boy, er, I mean her young man, right?

And ohhhh the push-ups to get those boobs? Come on! WE all know they are fake–just own it! What’s the big deal? Ramona’s boobs look awesome, and so does she, better than ever!

I am happy to see that Lu and Carole spoke about the whole “Adam” thing. It seems like all is OK? If two people broke up more than a year ago, shouldn’t it be OK to starting dating again? Even if the new person is a friend of the ex’s aunt? Why not?

Sonja and I dancing with John…LOL! The party was over, a lot of the ladies were headed home, Josh and I ended up staying a bit longer. The music was turned up, and we all had a bunch to drink and were just having playful fun. Josh was sitting right behind John and was laughing watching John trying to get the party started and getting his “extra friendly” on. Sonja and John started dancing, and he pulled me in to dance with them, so we were all having fun, and then John’s hands got a little too friendly and that was a cue that it was time for me to exit…it felt very deja vu from a night last year with Aviva’s dad…”

Photo Credit: Bravo


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Kristen: John’s Hands Got A Little Too Friendly

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