Sunday, June 7, 2015

Texas Police Officer Pulls Weapon On Teens During Pool Party

A Texas Police Officer who Pulled a weapon on teens who were at a pool party is in hot water today. After the incident in question, videos of what exactly happened (recorded by a 15-year-old guest of the party) have literally gone viral. The police officer who resides and patrols in McKinney, Texas, is now being placed on administrative leave after he was filmed violently handcuffing, and then pulling a weapon on, a group of African American teens.

According to his Police Departments Facebook Page (Yup police now use facebook) “Officers were called to the a local community pool around 7:15 p.m. local time to respond to a “disturbance involving multiple juveniles at the location, who do not live in the area or have permission to be there, refusing to leave,”

The Facebook post continues claiming, “First responding officers encountered a large crowd that refused to comply with police commands. Nine additional units responded to the scene. Officers were eventually able to gain control of the situation,” this is a bit odd because why would they place the officer on Administrative leave if they believe he had done nothing wrong?

Following the post on Facebook, one of the guests of the pool party, who happened to tape the whole police drama released a video that pretty much contradicted everything the police had claimed. Check it out for yourself below….

Do you think this cop was a little bit to aggressive and angry?

Texas Police Officer Pulls Weapon On Teens During Pool Party

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