Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mother Funders Robin Dyke Shows Her Support For Pride!

I can’t believe that yesterday really happened, seriously i’m literally still in shock. My boyfriend and I can finally get married… anywhere! After years of waiting, we no longer have to look for states that except us for who we are… because you’re all now forced to accept us where ever we ho! One of the most interesting parts of this ruling was finding out how the Bravo Celebrities felt about this ruling.

One of the first people we contacted at Bravo about this ruling was from Bravo’s new hit show The Mother Funder’s, Robin Dyke. What was surprising about Robin was that we learned that she was a conservative. Usually after hearing these words I would immediately run the other way and hide, however Robin actually made us change our minds about conservatives.

Being a native of the big apple, New York City, I’ve met all kinds of people. However I’ve never actually met an open conservative, who was for gay rights. Seriously, I’ve dealt with conservative who are so anti-gay they make my head spin, but never one that saw the big picture.

Robin Dyke revealed that she not only has a GBF or Gay Best Friend, but that she had run into him the night that the supreme court ruling was announced. Her post on facebook that revealed these details said the following:

“We talked about the struggle for him, me, also conservatives in general. Even if you have a religious belief that keeps you from thinking it’s right in God’s eyes, the separation of church and state is the just that…separate.”

Robin Dyke continued, “Now, I don’t think it’s going to be a good thing if someone tries to force a private church, which is firm in its beliefs, to perform a marriage, just the same as I don’t think anyone should be forced to do anything that they are convicted about. But that’s a whole different topic. Today, can we celebrate the fact that Americans, all of them, are able to marry whom they choose, in the eyes of the law. Basic Human rights are basic human rights.”

If Robin hadn’t already been our favorite new reality tv star, she would be now. The fact that Robin, who is a religious conservative, can see our pain and feel it…. moves us to tears. Never did I think we would have a religious conservative on our side. Robin’s opinion about separation of church and state is something we all have been fighting for the public to see.

We don’t want to take over your churches, we will not force you to marry us, all we want us to be accepted and treated like other married couples. Robin is spot on when she says that she doesn’t think churches should be forced to do something they don’t believe in. We agree. We don’t want to force you to marry us, nor would we ever want someone to do something they don’t believe in or want to. It is every church’s right to choose who they will and won’t allow to get married at that facility. However it is no ones right to decide who and can not get married in general.

We reached out to Robin Dyke for a comment on this topic, she replied to us the following :

“The overwhelming joy from them being able to realize their dreams was filling my ears all day. I was hella-giddy all day.”

We would like to thank Robin for not only her support but for also change our minds about conservatives, a group that frankly me and my boyfriend where once afraid of and aren’t really use to. You have changed our thoughts about a group we didn’t understand and opened us up to a something worth researching.

Mother Funders Robin Dyke Shows Her Support For Pride!

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