Thursday, June 4, 2015

RHOMelbourne: Gina and Jackie"s Final Face Off!

Gina and Jackie’s Final Face Off!
jackie gillies

On last night Season Finale of the Real Housewives of Melbourne Drama between Gina Liano and Jackie Gillies exploded at Pettifleur Berenger’s extravagant 50’th birthday party, and everyone is freaking out!

When Gamble Breaux throws shade at Jackie, claiming that she has blurred lines of reality, Jackie rightfully defends her self and tells Gamble she is “out of wack right now” she also calls Gamble cray cray!

Gamble Breaux throws the lowest blow possible claiming that she is worried about Jackies “physic thing,” this pissed me off a lot at this point. Who is Gamble to judge other peoples not only work, but lifestlye/religion/faith. If I was Jackie I probably would have slapped a bitch at this point.

Jackie fights back against Gambles uncalled for words, and in her confessional interview admits shes confused about Gambles actions considering she has been nothing but nice to Gamble the entire season, which is quiet true. Janet is outraged as well, and Jackie claims that she believes this came from Ginas mind who decides to walk away at this point because god forbid Gina is confronted with anything.

Gina claims that Jackie has dilated pupils as if shes demonic, I didn’t see anything in her eyes to be honest, Jackie is pretty pissed at this point and start telling Gina that “She’s gone” and kicked Gina out. Jackie confesses in her confessional that shes sick of Gina’s lies and that what lead to her explosion.

Gina calls Jackie a bogon, which to be honest im not sure what it means but it doesn’t sound to nice. Check out the exclusive clip below!

Check out exclusive pictures from the Real Housewives of Melbourne reunion part 1 below!

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RHOMelbourne: Gina and Jackie"s Final Face Off!

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