Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Phaedra Parks: NeNe Leakes Was Being Respectful


Phaedra Parks star of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, opens up in a brand new Bravo TV interview. Phaedra weighs in on Claudia Jodan and NeNe Leakes’ confrontation at her charity event. She discusses what inspired her to throw the charity event, and how she knows White House Czar David Johns.
Bravotv.com: What inspired you to throw the charity event?

Phaedra Parks: One of the biggest issues our country is facing right now is how to provide young people with the tools they need to become productive, successful, and compassionate adults. The problem is particularly prevalent among young African American males, and I feel a responsibility toward my community to take whatever action I can to help. It is critical for the future of our country, community, and society, that we empower youth by example; giving them role models which they can use to guide their own lives and make smart decisions. This event was an effort to get a dialogue going that will foster action and facilitate change.

Bravotv.com: How do you know White House Czar David Johns?
PP: I initially met David through a mutual friend, and as colleagues we often saw each other at National Bar Association events. David was tapped by President Obama to lead the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. Building upon the momentum of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper the Initiative hosts summit’s focused on reframing negative narratives surrounding Black men and boys and highlighting practices, programs and policies that have demonstrated success. We share a common passion for the future of African American children in this country. So naturally when I decided to have my Save our Sons event David Johns and the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence was a perfect fit. He gave me direction and helped me focus my energy in a way that afforded the maximum impact for the participants.

Bravotv.com: What were you thinking after NeNe and Claudia’s confrontation?

PP: NeNe came all the way from New York just to support my event, and that was really above-and-beyond anything I would expect anyone to do, so I was very appreciative. After the incident occurred I was thinking two things: one, how inappropriate it was for Claudia to initiate that conversation at my event and two, how respectful NeNe was in not wanting to engage in such nonsense at the event by removing herself in order to prevent an unpleasant incident.



Phaedra Parks: NeNe Leakes Was Being Respectful

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